Daily Reflections March 2

March twos are difficult for alcoholics, but you’re not alone. If you’re struggling with cravings on this day or feeling the urge to relapse, take a moment to pause and reflect. This blog post is here as an anchor – a place to revisit your journey of recovery and be reminded that you can stay strong through any challenges.

We hope these reflections will deepen your understanding of yourself and enable you to move forward in recovery with greater insight into your triggers. Thank you for your courage in overcoming addiction: we salute the strength it takes each day!

Daily Reflections March 2

Do not be discouraged.


I have come to realize that trying too hard, with unrealistic expectations and a desire for quick results can lead me down an unfulfilling path. Discouragement is my sign that it’s time to slow down, recognize the boundaries of what I’m capable of achieving, and embrace each day as its own unique opportunity instead feeling overwhelmed by pressures from outside or inside myself.

There is no doubt that life can be difficult and we all can feel discouraged. It’s important to remember to take a step back from time-to-time, breathe deeply, and refocus on the good.

Life with an attitude of gratitude can make all the difference. Reminding ourselves that time is a valuable asset rather than something to stress over can bring clarity and acceptance.

Self-empowerment is a process of continuing learning and self-reflection that helps us become our best selves. Acknowledging our limitations and understanding that it’s ok to give ourselves some grace along the way will help us get through even the most challenging times.

Taking ownership of our power within can help ensure that joy comes before we move forward in life with meaningful experiences towards success.