Daily Reflections September 26

Beginning each day can be a difficult task for anyone, and is especially challenging when recovering from alcoholism. For alcoholics, every morning presents an opportunity to move forward in life with a new start; however, this can be difficult to achieve without encouragement and reflection upon the progress made so far.

Today’s post will focus on daily reflections that provide guidance for embracing sobriety and nourishing your journey of recovery. Through contemplation and self-exploration, you can strengthen resolve from within and obtain the strength needed to resist temptation today.

Daily Reflections September 26

The alcoholic may find it hard to re-establish friendly relations with his children. . . . In time they will see that he is a new man and in their own way they will let him know it. . . . From that point on, progress will be rapid. Marvelous results often follow such a reunion.


On my journey to get better, I received the ultimate support in a form that could not be bought. My son had sent me an incredible birthday card, which expressed his gratitude at how far we both had come since last Christmas when he was crying and asked if I couldn’t see what effects my actions were having on myself.

This time around, it was tears of joy rather than desperation as his long-lasting words “I love you” filled up our hearts with so much emotion!

With the passing of time, we all experience life’s highs and lows. I’m grateful to have a son who loves me despite it all and proves his love for me through thoughtful gestures.

Even though, on his own path, he makes sure to stay connected with our bond, reminding me that there is always hope for a recovery. The journey may be difficult but if we persevere, pour love into it and receive love from other in return – there will always be joy and healing at the end of our struggles.

Today is my birthday, but I feel like I’ve been gifted a truly remarkable life lesson that I’ll forever cherish in my heart.