Daily Reflections April 20

“I feel so much better now that I have been sober for a few months. It has been difficult to stay on the wagon, but I am getting stronger every day.” – Anonymous

“The alcohol was poisoning me and my body began to shut down.”

“I tried going cold turkey, but it didn’t work out as planned.”

“Nowadays, I’m just trying to keep up with the program and not do anything stupid. That is easier said than done because there are temptations everywhere you go.”

“It’s tough being surrounded by people who drink all the time when they’re around; sometimes we need each other more than ever. But at least we know nobody can hurt us like we hurt ourselves!” –Anonymous

Daily Reflections April 20

. . . we ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 86

I have found that when I’m unselfish and humble, it shows God how much He means to me.

When we serve others in our lives or do good deeds for them, you should always consider whether or not what motive is behind those actions because then your service can be more effective with less intentions on getting approval from people around us as well as glorying ourselves at their success instead of being cheered by It like a real champion would want!

So think before acting; put the ball back into His court–He’ll guide every step along this journey called life.

I believe that this prayer can help you find peace with your neighbor and yourself.

If any of these feelings sound familiar, it is time to embrace a new way of thinking about the world.

You deserve a life without needless worry or self-pity, but first you need to change how you think.

Allowing God into every aspect of your daily routine will lead to inner peace and an end to self-centeredness.

Can we partner with you on finding peace?