Daily Reflections September 11

It’s been sixteen years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In the days and weeks that followed, we all grappled with the shock and horror of what had happened.

We asked ourselves how such a tragedy could have occurred, and searched for answers. As time has passed, we’ve come to remember those who lost their lives in ways that are both poignant and personal.

Today, we take a moment to reflect on the events of that day, and remember the courage and strength of the American spirit.

May we never forget those who perished or suffered in this senseless act of violence, and may God bless their families and friends always.

Daily Reflections September 11

Above all, we should try to be absolutely sure that we are not delaying because we are afraid.TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 87

The gift of courage is something I have yet to fully explore in my recovery.

It empowers me with a sense of dignity and humility when making amends, which can be hard at times because it requires honesty about oneself that may feel lacking or embarrassing but if we go through God’s grace then He will help us find strength within ourselves so much more than before!

I am responsible. This sentiment has been a key component of my recovery and is one that continues to drive me forward as a better person, friend, and family member for those around me.

It may seem like an impossible task at times to do the right thing or say what needs to be said when it’s hard – but know this: you are only alone in your thoughts for so long before someone else gives up on waiting for you.

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