Daily Reflections May 2

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, especially with the pressures and demands of life. This can be particularly true for those struggling with alcoholism, who are often dealing with a lot: not just temptation but also guilt and fear. If you are feeling like this today — May 2nd — take the time to pause and reflect on your feelings, honestly and deeply.

It may seem difficult or even intimidating in the moment, but it is essential if we want to stay sober throughout these trying times. Here are some reflections from May 2nd that might help you as you embrace self-care today.

Daily Reflections May 2

Cling to the thought that, in God’s hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have – the key to life and happiness for others. With it you can avert death and misery for them.


I’m no longer beholden to my past; it’s now a source of inspiration and strength. On this day, although the path ahead may be unclear, I remain hopeful for brighter skies in the near future.

Everything that has happened before is part of me—the key rather than obstacle—because with each event comes an opportunity to grow wiser and stronger.

Even in the darkest of times, life offers us a glimmer of hope to cling onto. The experiences and memories we have gone through in our past are not meant to be forgotten.

In fact, they are necessary pieces of our lives that make us unique and strong. As this new day dawns, let us remain hopeful that it will bring brighter stars and bigger dreams.

So today, as I plunge into my day full of work and tasks, I will carry with me the strength and courage of my past and look ahead for wonderful days ahead. May all who read this take comfort in knowing that no matter where we’re at today, if we continue to believe in ourselves and reach for those distant stars – anything is possible!