Daily Reflections December 27

On this last day of the year, I want to reflect on just how far I have come. It is hard for me to believe that when I started drinking heavily in high school that today would be my last day as an alcoholic.

What’s even more amazing is that not only did I stop drinking alcohol, but also stopped smoking cigarettes and pot!

This blog post will take you through my journey from the beginning to where I am now.

Daily Reflections December 27

“Quite as important was the discovery that spiritual principles would solve all my problems.”ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 42

The principles in the Big Book have been a blessing to me. I’ve never come across an exception and they work on more than just my alcoholism;

Whenever anger or frustration boils over, these same instructions always remind myself of what is really going on with regard to how far gone this problem has become as well-and then it’s dealt with quickly before reaching Step 12 where we suggest telling someone else about our problems (I think).

These solutions solve them!

The principles in the Big Book have helped me to take responsibility for my problems and to solve them. If you are struggling, please consider these principles as a way to heal your life.

I would be more than happy to talk with you about how this has worked for me personally or guide you through it if requested!