Daily Reflections December 2

December is often filled with joy, but can also be a difficult time of the year for many. As an alcoholic recovering from addiction, you may feel overwhelmed by the holidays. If so, it’s important to take this day as one step at a time and remember that there are still tools available to support your recovery.

In today’s post, we’ll explore some of these tools—namely the daily reflection exercise for December 2nd—that will strengthen your willpower and help you stay on track throughout this holiday season. Remember: You can do this!

Daily Reflections December 2

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, . . .


I had been going to meetings and practicing the Steps for a while when something remarkable occurred – serenity began to take hold. Initially puzzled as to its origin, it eventually dawned on me that these very steps were the source of my newfound peace.

Although difficult at times, those efforts have reaped great rewards; now awake with God’s presence in every moment, I am no longer alone!

As I draw to the end of my reflections for December 2nd, I am deeply grateful for the spiritual awakening I have experienced as a result of working the Steps. Sure, at times it can be hard practice and not always easy to stay focused on.

But through it all I find that I am no longer alone in this journey, and that brings me to a place of peace and understanding. Even when life throws curveballs my way and challenges come up, serenity is still attainable if I keep practicing the steps.

This awareness brings me strength knowing that life does not have to be faced alone, but rather with a Higher Power enabling me to go further than ever before. In this process, we must take it one step at a time – allowing us time to breathe and open our hearts so that peace may enter into every area of our lives.