Daily Reflections October 17

The first step to overcoming addiction is recognizing what needs to be changed and making the commitment to do it. It starts with an honest analysis of our thoughts, behavior, and triggers that commonly cause us distress.

This October 17th, take a moment for yourself to reflect on your journey so far as you continue pressing forward in sobriety. Together we’ll look back on where we’ve come from, assess the current state of affairs, and consider which future steps need taking.

Let’s approach this reflection time today with warmth, kindness, understanding — the same love that has aided us through all previous struggles. No matter how hard it may be or how often you feel like giving up – never forget that there is always hope at the end of each journey if you’re willing to ride out every wave along the way.

Daily Reflections October 17

Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities.


Maintaining spiritual wellness can be a daunting challenge, especially for those recovering from addiction. But with prayer and commitment to Step Ten – ensuring you keep your house in order on a daily basis—we have the faith that our higher power will grant us sobriety each day we ask for it.

It’s encouraging to hear how many alcoholics find strength through this simple practice of prayer!

The power of prayer is truly remarkable and I am a strong believer that if we take the time to talk to our Higher Power and ask for what we need, it will be granted. This October 17th, I am grateful for the opportunity to turn my will and life over to the care of my Higher Power.

Making this commitment daily can have such a positive and profound effect on my spiritual condition, just as it has done for many others who are battling with addiction.

Let us now come together in unity and dedicate this day to actively working towards greater self-care and faith in our heavenly energies! May we all seek the strength to stay focused, committed, and safe in our sobriety. Blessed Be!