Daily Reflections November 9

November 9th, I’m sitting at my computer reflecting on what has been a really rough day. Yesterday, I had an episode of drinking that was more than usual and it continued into today where I found myself reaching for another drink and then realized that the only way to get back on track is to stop altogether.

That’s when I decided to head over here and start this blog post about my journey with alcohol addiction. It has been a long road but one thing is for sure;

If you are reading this you have come across something in your life that made you think about how much control alcohol has over our lives – so take action before it’s too late!

Daily Reflections November 9

But first of all we shall want sunlight; nothing much can grow in the dark. Meditation is our step out into the sun.AS BILL SEES IT, p. 10

God, you are my rock and tower of strength. I know that when life gets tough the best thing to do is turn toward your presence for protection from confusion or fear.

It may not be possible at first but with enough prayer & meditation our time here on earth becomes more about who we really want in this world than anything else because all things will change after death; including how often someone prays–so don’t let go!

So what are you waiting for? Give yourself the gift of time, and start your prayer routine today.

The more consistent you become with it, the easier it will be to fit into your day-to-day life without feeling like a chore that requires too much effort or time away from other obligations.

Let us know how we can help! We’re always ready to partner with our clients in prayerful meditation if they need moral support!