Daily Reflections November 17

It can be incredibly difficult to stay sober when the world feels overwhelmingly chaotic. The added pressures of uncertainty and fear that have come with this year can add an extra layer of pressure for those in recovery from alcohol addiction, which is why it’s so important to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself throughout the process – one day at a time.

Today’s reflection focuses on finding moments of peace in times where your sobriety may feel like it’s being tested. Take some time out for yourself and join us as we explore how staying mindful about our daily struggles can help keep us strong on our recovery journey.

Daily Reflections November 17

Almost without exception, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness. Even before our drinking got bad and people began to cut us off, nearly all of us suffered the feeling that we didn’t quite belong.


Embracing times of solitude has been a journey for me. Now, when I’m alone and peaceful, it’s the perfect opportunity to experience true connection with God – something that is even more important in moments of distress.

Through prayer and meditation during these tough times, my relationship with Him strengthens; enabling His presence to remain close no matter what challenges arise.

Life is full of highs and lows, and sometimes it can feel like a roller coaster. Though life will always bring hard times that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, try to take comfort in the fact that if we lean on our faith and trust in God, we will be able to bask in his grace and love.

So if you’re ever feeling low, remember to listen for whispers of solace from God himself. After all, it is when we are alone that His voice comes most alive, so don’t be afraid to seek out moments to listen. Finally, always remember: no matter what struggles come your way, stay strong in He who holds the keys to a brighter future.