Daily Reflections June 25

Have you been struggling with addiction and trying to find a way out? If so, you’re not alone.

Addiction can be difficult to break because it is often the only thing that takes away the pain of life. You might have tried many different ways to stop drinking or using drugs but nothing has worked yet.

It’s time for something new! Join me in this blog post series about how I overcame my addiction by integrating mindfulness into my daily routine.

Daily Reflections June 25

. . . our Society has concluded that it has but one high mission – to carry the A.A. message to those who don’t know there’s a way out.TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 151

Step one: I must admit that all the alcohol in my life has not made me happy or free.

Step two: Confession of my inability to control myself is where light first shines on others who are also struggling with addiction, and it sets them free too.

The “Light” will cast a clear picture for us as we help each other grow into better people capable of love instead of hate-filled despair.

I ask God for the courage to live in such a way that my life can be an example of His favor.

This mission frees me from fear and pulls others towards wellness by sharing my gifts with them through love, strength, and patience.

I’m not alone on my journey to recovery. With the help of other alcoholics, sponsors and a Higher Power, I am able to find freedom from addiction that leads me back into living life with hope for what may be possible.

Now it is up to you–are you ready?