Daily Reflections June 20

Hey everyone, today I’m going to be talking about Daily Reflections June 20. It’s been a while since I’ve last done one of these, but I think it’s important to share my thoughts every now and then.

Anyway, as you all know, Daily Reflections is a program designed to help alcoholics stay sober.

Today’s reflection was on making amends, and it really got me thinking about how much I need to apologize to the people in my life.

So, that’s what I’d like to talk about today — the importance of apologizing and making things right with the people we’ve hurt.

Daily Reflections June 20

The problem of resolving fear has two aspects. We shall have to try for all the freedom from fear that is possible for us to attain. Then we shall need to find both the courage and grace to deal constructively with whatever fears remain.AS BILL SEES IT, p. 61

The greatest gift in A.A., for me has been the courage to take action – with God’s help, I am becoming who I want to be and this is something that makes my life worth living now more than ever before!

I had a heavy dose of fear after five years without alcohol but through working closely on these steps together as well having others around us supporting our sobriety process;

We were able make decisions based off what really matters rather then just being afraid all day long about everything from going out too far into nature taking risks because there isn’t any guarantee where one will end up at night if you’re unattended…

I’ve been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for five years and have had to deal with the fear that comes from being sober.

The good news is, God has put people in my life to help me work through those fears so I can become the whole person who wants to be. It’s all thanks to A.A., which was one of the greatest gifts ever given, as well as working on myself through Twelve Steps meetings every week.

This may sound like an insurmountable hurdle but it isn’t if you do what we suggest here at Rehab 4 Addiction-help someone else find sobriety while also finding your own sanity again!