Daily Reflections July 4

The independence of Independence Day, the fourth of July, is celebrated all over the country with fireworks and barbecues. While many people get to enjoy this day in freedom from addiction, it can be an especially hard holiday for alcoholics who are struggling to keep their sobriety journey on track.

Despite its potential triggers, today can still represent a chance to reflect on progress made over the last year—including both successes and failures—and look towards a cleaner and brighter future going forward.

We hope that whatever your current situation may be, you’ll find strength and courage here during our daily reflections today.

Daily Reflections July 4

. . . deep down in every man, woman and child, is the fundamental idea of God. It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things, but in some form or other it is there. For faith in a Power greater than ourselves, and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives, are facts as old as man himself.


For many years, I was without faith in any higher power. That all changed when I stepped into A.A rooms across the country and experienced firsthand what true transformation looks like – a sign that God is indeed real and active among us!

The Twelve Steps have been integral to my life’s journey, but none moreso than opening up my heart to cultivate trust in this unseen force of love. My belief may be new-found, but it feels as natural now as breathing or sleeping ever did!

When I reflect upon my daily journey of recovery through the Twelve Steps, I am filled with such gratitude and admiration for the power of faith. I have learned that a Higher Power is in each and every one of us, guiding us along our individual paths. It’s become a type of calming assurance in my life that whatever happens, God has me covered.

I choose to give thanks for all the miracles big and small which conjure up evidence of His divine presence in my life. As I move forward on this continual process of growth and healing, I will continue to exercise hope in those dark moments and welcome divine intervention from the Unseen One.

On this special day dedicated to freedom and independence, let us remember that true liberation comes when surrendering our lives to Spirit-breathed guidance, embracing every holy moment with open arms as a gift.