Daily Reflections January 1

January 1 is a day to reflect, right? It’s the perfect time for reflecting on your past year and then setting goals for the new one.

You can also use it as an opportunity to figure out what you’re grateful for from last year. For me, this year was filled with ups and downs but I’m thankful that I found recovery.

As part of my journey in recovery, I’ve been following a daily reflection journaling practice where I write down three things that are going well and one thing that isn’t going well each day.

This way, when life throws me lemons (or any other adversity), I have hope because there are always good days mixed in with the bad ones!

Daily Reflections January 1

The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous. He has commenced to accomplish those things for us which we could never do by ourselves.ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 25

I never thought I could trust and rely on God.

But then, Alcoholics Anonymous came into my life! Nowadays, because of this organization’s support in times when I’m tempted to drink alcohol again, it feels as though there is a greater power that can always help me through the tough moments.

It took hard work for myself- but now all these miracles are happening around me one after another because of how trusting and relying on Him has turned out better than anything else ever would have been able to do by itself…

I thank Alcoholics Anonymous every day for being such an important part of my sobriety journey.

In my life today, and as a result of Alcoholics Anonymous, I am sober because I trust in God. Learning to rely on Him was something that couldn’t be done alone; but with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous (and others) it has been possible for me.

Trusting in God is an ongoing process which will never end! And miracles happen every day – just ask any alcoholic who’s found sobriety through AA!