Daily Reflections December 30

We all tend to reflect on the past year at this time, but when alcohol has been a major part of your life, it’s especially important to pause and consider how far you’ve come.

December 30th can be an emotional day for many who are in recovery from alcoholism as they remember places and people that tempted them back into their old habits or kept them from achieving sobriety.

No matter where you may stand with your path to sobriety today, take a moment for yourself today and look back over the last year. Celebrate the small victories, acknowledge successes big and small, forgive yourself for any slips along the way—and give yourself credit even if today is a struggle.

Daily Reflections December 30

Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.


When I first started my journey to sobriety, Tradition Twelve was a source of essential guidance. This central principle showed me how to face my alcohol addiction and behaviors with the help of a community that accepted me unconditionally.

Over time, this Tradition has helped keep both myself and those around me accountable while using the program’s principles in our recovery processes – something for which I am profoundly grateful! Decades on from when it all began, its impact will never be forgotten.

Life is a journey and Tradition Twelve has been an invaluable guide for me throughout mine. It provides me with the opportunity to face my fears, my past and the anger associated with it.

As the result of having such a powerful resource close-at-hand and in many ways at arm’s length, I have seen first-hand the power of fellowship and how it can provide individuals with a safe space to share their experiences and support each other in their recovery process.

Although I have experienced much frustration as I have taken this journey, I know now that every step is necessary in order to rebuild myself into someone who can be of service to my higher power.

Though this path has taken me nine years since finding sobriety, it has been filled with moments both challenging and beautiful – all thanks to coping tools like Tradition Twelve. Even during these darkest days, I am thankful for all the kindness people have showed me along the way.