Daily Reflections December 3

On December 3, an Alcoholics Anonymous member reflected on the importance of self-awareness.

The AA Member said that self-awareness is key to living a sober life. By being aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can work to change the negative ones and keep yourself on track.

Today, be mindful of your actions and stay in control by knowing yourself well!

Daily Reflections December 3

. . . we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 106

I find that sharing the message of recovery with other alcoholics is easy because it helps me stay sober and provides a sense of well-being about my own progress.

The hard part comes in practicing these principles outside AA meetings, but when reviewing days after an encounter or missed opportunity I try to ask myself if there were any chances for friendliness present during those moments; did we have enough time together?

Did something happen which might’ve improved your situation without having taken action on them at all–and what then?) If none come immediately to mind (which often happens!) don’t feel bad – nobody’s perfect!

I am grateful for this life of mine, and the opportunity to share it with you. The principles that have made me happy in sobriety are not difficult or complicated; they are simply common sense ideas.

It is my hope that by sharing them here on my blog, I can help someone else find peace too. If there’s anything at all you’d like to say about your thoughts or feelings regarding A.A., please leave a comment below!